English Language Challenges

Finally, the last blog! I think the English in FAU could have been better but either way I can’t deny that I have learnt to write faster and I have extend my vocabulary by the blogs. I think I knew almost the same but I used to forget the words at the time I needed to write or to say something so I'm better in that way. I think the use of blogs were crucial to achieve that because we have a limit of time so we do it fast, we are searching for words we don't know and after that we comment classmate's blogs so we read too, it's pretty complete.

I think I don't have much problems at writing, listening and reading but at the moment I need to speak I froze because of sometimes I can't find the words to say something or my pronunciation (it isn't thaaaaat bad, but it could be so much better). I always wanted to improve this aspect but I think the only way to truly make it’s by travelling to a Usa or England actually because there I wouldn't have another choice to communicate so I'll try to express myself anyway and I think by listening more I could correct pronunciation and vocabulary. 

Sometimes I try to improve my English by reading English books, obviously I don't read complex things but they help anyway. The last one I bought was Percy Jackson because I thought I had to read something without much complexity in the storyline or in the way of narrative. 

To improve listening I like to see series or movies with subtitles in English but I do that only when I have seen the movie before and when I have seen it a lot of times I like to see it without any subtitles and sometimes I understand pretty much all they say in the whole movie so it's satisfactory.

Hope you liked my blog, bye!


  1. wooow I never improve my english by reading english books, i think that's awesome :D

  2. Once I tried to read a book in English (it was "Zorro" of Isabel Allende), but I give up in page 10 xD... I think that I must to retry with another book, of one of my favorite genres :S

  3. Reading in english it's so hard sometimes! I mean a book it's sounds very complex to understand :o I'm shocked that you do it!

  4. I do the same and have to improve my pronunciation too haha

  5. Yeah I agree with you! the blogs are pretty harder than I thought, I feel the adreline because of the time ahahaha and I have heard a lot of people they learn english very well because it's like the only way to express yourself there! so It's like a way of survival

  6. i think that read some book in english is really good way for understand english, and also the other good way is talk with others persons that speak english.

  7. I agree with you, watching movies really helps and it's an entertaining way to practice reading and listening at the same time

  8. What has helped me improve my English is watching movies or series in English :)


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