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English Language Challenges

Finally, the last blog! I think the English in FAU could have been better but either way I can’t deny that I have learnt to write faster and I have extend my vocabulary by the blogs. I think I knew almost the same but I used to forget the words at the time I needed to write or to say something so I'm better in that way. I think the use of blogs were crucial to achieve that because we have a limit of time so we do it fast, we are searching for words we don't know and after that we comment classmate's blogs so we read too, it's pretty complete. I think I don't have much problems at writing, listening and reading but at the moment I need to speak I froze because of sometimes I can't find the words to say something or my pronunciation (it isn't thaaaaat bad, but it could be so much better). I always wanted to improve this aspect but I think the only way to truly make it’s by travelling to a Usa or England actually because there I wouldn't have another ...

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