Postgraduate Studies

Like I said in the previous blog, I usually don't think about the future but lately I've been considering my options and I think I'd like to do a postgraduate study of patrimony, sustainability or landscaping. I know the topics I just mention are very different but maybe it's because right know I don't know for sure in what I want to focus or even if I want to focus on something. I think I want to do something after studying architecture because (at least by now) I don't feel ready to work and I like the idea of specializing in something because it makes you a more complete professional.


Obviously I'd like to study abroad but I dont mind if for some reason I end up studying something here. If its abroad, I think the dream of everyone (including me) its to studying in Europe. It would be perfect! Ill be in another continent studying something Id like but at the same time I could have the chance to know a country with so much history, beautiful classic buildings and a different culture. I think I always have thought in Spain when I talk about this but I although think itll be really rewarding to do it in some country which speaks another language, so I dont know what I really prefer


  1. I think sustainability is a very interesting postgraduate, I talked about this topic in my blog, but I'm still not sure what to do hahaha :)
    I love you

  2. I don't feel ready to work yet too, I don't mind the idea of studying until the end of times haha at least you have an idea of what you want, good luck!!

  3. I tollay get that about trying not to think about the future, it´s scary, but if you had to make a choice, landscaping seems very interesting.

  4. I think that study postgraduate give you experience and this is very important for a future job!!!


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